Because marriage, hand fasting, or any ritualized union is one of the major thresholds of life, it’s perceived as a time of tremendous power, promise, and vulnerability. The entire marriage ceremony, the arrangements preceding it, and postnuptial celebrations may be perceived as a huge series of rituals and magic spells as much as a religious sacrament. In some cases, it’s consciously both.

Wedding day protection spells for couples.

Because the wedding couple is perceived as so psychically vulnerable, hidden amulets and charms serve as magical bodyguards during the ceremony. There are many spells for couples, regardless of whether you are a same or opposite sex couple, find the protections spell that suits you and your partner the best, and be sure you are well protected on the day.

For brides who wear a bridal gown

Because the distinctive bridal gown so clearly identifies brides, exposing their vulnerability, so the gown becomes the most common tool of protection. Special spells and charms simultaneously protect the bride while promoting romance and devotion. However, spells and charms should be considered for brides who wear an alternative to a gown, and grooms also should consider using the spells and charms to protect themselves.

Spells and charms rely on the use of masculine and feminine energies to charge and protect. Couples may feel comfortable thinking about the way the energies for love and sex energy move between them. On the day of their wedding, couples should utilize the following spells based on who is holding which energy. Energies move back and forward between a couple to maintain a balance and this applies regardless of gender.

Botanical protection spell

Sew herbs into the hem and/or belt of the wedding gown, or into the pockets or hems of pants and vests to bring love and romance to the marriage. Favorable herbs include clover, elecampane, lavender, and powdered mistletoe.

Garter protection spell

The bridal garter was originally a protective garment, intended to safeguard the bride who is wearing a gown from spiritual danger. For maximum magical protection, instead of the typical blue garter, wear a red one with a piece of silver attached. Remember to charge it with your desire.