Finding the perfect bridesmaids dress

Finding the perfect bridesmaids dress

For decades, bridesmaids around the world have forcibly agreed to wear hideously tacky dresses in awful colours against their will…all for their bridezillas. I imagine each of these bridesmaids has faced herself in the mirror, taken a big swallow of pride, forced an...
Reading for a second marriage

Reading for a second marriage

They wanted their ceremony to demonstrate their belief that  even though they had already lived full lives with their first partners, they still believed in the sacredness of marriage, and that they took their vows very seriously.

Hand-fasting – A Guide

Hand-fasting – A Guide

  The hand-fasting #ritual is a beautiful, magical rite of passage. Many non-Pagan and non-Wiccan couples are adopting this old custom, much like when couples borrow from other traditions to craft their own ceremony to match their distinctive personalities....
A Beautiful Bali Wedding?

A Beautiful Bali Wedding?

Ever thought of having your special day in Bali, by the beach on a balmy afternoon? Is it legal? would your wedding be recognised here?