A couple of weeks ago I posted about how I was feeling pretty cruddy and the seven main things I discovered most people experience when they are down. So I thought it would be cool to share the things I did (continue to do) to help me get into a better space. You know finding your way out is the hardest part, but I think for me it always comes back to taking care of myself, being consistent and getting back in the world.
1. Calm the noise
I mentioned that meditation was a killer action for me to help me concentrate. Well, it also helps by turning the volume down on the noise in my head. It quietens the self-talk, Helps me find peace when I feel like I want to scream.
Just a few minutes a can help you to calm the noise – I’ve made you a quick guided meditation to download – it’s only 3.15 minutes long. Try it out, help calm your noise. (listen here or right click to save as so you can download it)
2. Stop the self-criticism
Seriously – just stop it – every time that little voice says something negative – say something positive. We have conversations in our head all day (everyone does that right, not just me?) but you have to take notice of the stuff you’re talking about in these conversations. Make sure you start “high-fiving yourself and even go with the occasional fist pump. If you worried about how it looks – juts do it in your head. Give yourself credit and notice your awesomeness.
3. Go Outside.
I don’t know about you, but when Im feeling flat I don’t want to face the world. Go for a walk, get off the couch, breath deep, and stretch your body. Nature is a magical healer – go for a walk in the bush or go to the beach. If you’re like me, this soothes the soul and replenishes the reserves to help you cope with the everyday world.
4. Drink water
I often confuse this statement with the one that says “DRINK MORE WINE”, but when I get it right I feel a zillion times better. We need water to live, it feeds our body, brightens our skin and flushes the toxins from our system. Drink up!!
5. Cut down the screen time
I have a horrible habit of checking my phone first thing in the morning – My alarm is on my phone so it was right there next to my bed. I switched to a regular old fashioned alarm clock and leave my phone out with my hand bag. It means I start my day thinking about my day and what my plans are, I have time to shower and soothe my soul. I no longer jump straight the world and all the daily demands of calendars and emails and text messages.
6. Say affirmations
Think about the word “affirmation” it’s about affirming – affirming yourself, your beauty, and grace, all that you are. You are worth a few minutes in the mirror in the morning affirming who you are. Make up your own affirmations that suit you or try these:
• I am beauty
• I radiate joy
• Everything and everyone I want, wants me
• I live a life I love
• My body is healthy and vibrant
7. Feed your body
Nourish your body with food that is good for you. For me that meant cutting down (not giving up! never giving up!) peanut butter ice-cream. It also meant making sure I eat breakfast, take the supplements that work for me (Omega 3 – OMG – Magic), and getting enough sleep.
So that was it – it doesn’t seem like much, it’s the same stuff we are told everywhere, every book every coach or counsellor every health professional – they all say the same thing. Its ll true. The catch is consistency – that’s the hard part. Getting up every day and doing the same thing, never giving up on yourself.
So get out there – do the work – you’re worth it.
Oh – wait – that sounds like a corny TV commercial.
But you really are worth it. You deserve happiness and health. You deserve joy and confidence. But you have to go get it. You are a beautiful, chaotic messy and delightful being. Show that to the world.