Same Sex ceremonies, Wedding Vows, Weddings, World Traditions
A personalized wedding not only stands out in the memories of those who attend but also creates an intimate, meaningful experience for the couple. This blog will guide you through various aspects of customizing your wedding ceremony to make it uniquely yours.
Weddings, World Traditions
A colourful occasion with elaborate decorations, music, dances, superb dresses and solemn ceremony.
Weddings, World Traditions
Valentines day is one of the most popular days for Las Vegas weddings! Early Roman brides carried a bunch of herbs, such as garlic and rosemary, under their veils to symbolize fidelity and fertility and to ward off evil. These herbs served as a precursor to the modern...
Weddings, World Traditions
Because white is the color of mourning in Eastern cultures, white #wedding dresses are uncommon.
Weddings, World Traditions
In many cultures, the groom historically often kidnapped the bride, and the groom’s friends would help him, leading to the modern-day groomsmen. At the alter, the groom always stood on the bride’s right side so his right hand—or his sword hand—would be free to...
Ceremonies, Same Sex ceremonies, Weddings, World Traditions
In Peru, single female guests take part in a tradition a little sweeter than a bouquet toss. Charms attached to ribbons are tucked between the layers of the wedding cake. Before the cake is cut, each woman grabs a ribbon and pulls. At the end of one ribbon is a fake...
Ceremonies, Same Sex ceremonies, Weddings, World Traditions
Royal weddings in the United Kingdom do bridesmaids with a twist. Usually, the bride’s attendants are young girls rather than the contemporaries. At Queen Elizabeth II’s wedding in 1947, there were eight bridesmaids, most younger than the 21-year-old...
Ceremonies, Same Sex ceremonies, Weddings, World Traditions
In Peru, single female guests take part in a tradition a little sweeter than a bouquet toss.
Ceremonies, Weddings, World Traditions
Lebanese-style weddings kick off with music, dancing and joyful shouting right outside the groom’s doors. This is the “zaffe,” a rowdy, traditional escort made up of friends, family, and sometimes professional musicians and dancers. This group...
Ceremonies, Weddings, World Traditions
Russian grooms have to work for their brides. Before the #wedding, the groom shows up at the bride’s home and asks for his beloved. In jest, her friends and family refuse him until he pays up in gifts, money, jewelry or simple humiliation. Grooms are forced to...