is the word we use to describe the whole ‘event’ in which we honour some one who has died. A funeral comprises the rites, rituals, ceremonies and/or any other meaningful observances that we carry out in order to honour or memorialize a person who died. We can have a funeral with or without the physical presence of the deceased’s remains.

Where does the word “funeral” come from?

The term funeral derives from the Latin word funus, meaning “funeral, funeral procession, burial rites” or “death, corpse.” The word initially referred specifically to the burial of the dead until the early 1500s, when its meaning broadened through usage to refer to the ceremony surrounding burying someone who died.

Funeral or disposition?

A funeral is not the same thing as burial. The latter is purely a common form of final body disposition that addresses the need of what to do with the physical remains after death occurs in a practical, respectful manner.

There are several forms of final body disposition in our westernised culture. Of course, there is burial below ground in a cemetery, there is also cremation, body donation, burial above ground (i.e., in a mausoleum), or alkaline hydrolysis – which is often referred to as “water burial” (World’s first water cremation center opened here in Queensland).  In other words, the chosen method of final disposition only addresses “the needs of the dead.”

On the other hand, the purpose of a funeral is to address “the needs of the living.” There are many benefits to a funeral or memorial; for example, they can help mourners:

  • Confront and accept the reality that a death has occurred
  • Honours and remembers someone significant in their lives
  • Reinforces the fact that we all eventually die
  • Offers a socially acceptable opportunity to publicly express their grief and receive support
  • Helps those grieving begin adjusting to life after the loss

Funeral Form vs. Function

Typically held soon after death—often within one to seven days—the form of a funeral can vary greatly based upon the personal and religious preferences of the individual and/or his or her loved ones, cultural or societal norms, and the circumstances surrounding the death, if necessary. As noted above, however, the function of a funeral is essentially universal regardless of its appearance and the rites, rituals, and ceremonies it includes.

Generally, funeral ceremonies in our western culture often include

  • Contemporary and/or religious music, such as hymns, chants, favourite musical pieces, etc.
  • Readings from relevant texts, such as the deceased’s favourite literary works, poetry, or personal writings; or the recitation of sacred/religious writings, such as passages from the Bible, the Quran, the Torah or Tanach, etc.
  • Remarks by surviving loved ones, celebrants, religious officiants, etc., to honour, remember and reflect upon the life of the deceased and the ways he or she touched the lives of surviving loved ones.
  • Physical mementos representing important moments in the life of the deceased and/or his or her hobbies/interests, such as photographs; diplomas, medals and other honours received; objects evocative of his or her passions, such as golf clubs, a guitar, even a motorbike.

Funerals in western culture might also incorporate:

  • A vigil over the deceased until final interment occurs
  • A private viewing of the deceased by immediate family members and friends, before the formal funeral ceremony itself
  • The washing/dressing of the deceased
  • A formal procession from the site of the funeral to the place of final body disposition
  • Witnessing the physical burial or cremation of the body

The deceased is often not present at the service

While a funeral usually occurs in conjunction with the presence of the deceased’s physical remains, such as during a casketed funeral service, this is not required. It is not necessary to have your loved ones remains at the service. In fact many families choose not to have their deceased present. Rather, they chose to hold a service  to honour and remember the deceased after burying or cremating the individual privately. A funeral service and a memorial service serve the same function or purpose, but services conducted without the physical presence of the deceased are typically referred to as a memorial service.