A sweet and simple spell to learn the initials of your future spouse. Do you want to know? Are you game to try?
Find the brightest red apple with the longest stem you can (from anywhere except off your own tree). Sit by a fire fire and hold the apple by the stem as you gently twist it. For each twist given, state a letter of the alphabet (in order). The letter called out as the stem breaks free is your spouse’s first initial.
Toss the stem into the fire. Then peel the apple skin off carefully in one long peel. If you mess up,you have to start again with a new apple, so be careful.
When done, take the peel in your left hand and toss it over your shoulder so that it lands on the ground behind you. Turn around and see what letter’s shape the peel has taken. That’s the first letter of your future spouse’s last name.
If the apple peel should break when thrown, that means it’s going to be a stormy relationship and that there will most likely be more than one instance in which you will consider calling the whole thing off.