Have you ever thought of having a smudging ceremony on your #wedding day?
Its essential to have a ceremony that is special and meaningful to you. You want your wedding ceremony to be a profound expression of your commitment to each other. You can incorporate a personal touch into your ceremony, especially if you don’t want to conform to the traditional wedding rules.
You can begin your ceremony with purifying or cleansing by smoke, or smudging. Smudging uses the smoke from burning herbs to cleanse the energy field of a person, place or things. Some couples offer smudging to their guests, but most often cleansing is provided for the wedding party only. Incense of the Orient and frankincense in the Catholic Church are other instances of smudging. In Japan, huge smudge pots are found outside the Shinto Shrines and the Buddhist Temples.
Another way to purify the bridal couples is to make a lot of noise. In ancient Germany, noise making, ‘noise evening,’ or well-wishing falls on the day before the #marriage. The Chinese preferred firecrackers.
I can can prepare and perform a beautiful cleaning ceremony that includes your guests and your wedding party.