Mother’s Day. A day for all mothers, a day to celebrate the mother we have, the mothers we are, the mother we want to be, the mother that taught us, the mother that loved us, the shadow mother, the bearer of fruit, of creativity, of love and of joy.
What does it mean to fully embody the mother? The Mother represents ripeness, fertility, sexuality, fulfilment, stability, power and life represented by the full moon.
Fierce and tender, emboldened yet humble, the Mother Aspect of the Triple Goddess calls us to imagine, create, nurture and nourish.
On this Mother’s Day, celebrate the Mother Aspect of the Triple Goddess regardless of whether you have children. By honouring the Mother, we honour our connection to the earth, and to our spiritual self. I have listed seven ways that you can connect with your inner Mother Aspect of the Triple Goddess
Ultimately, the Mother aspect of the Triple Goddess represents our inner force that compels us to create and nourish. Whether you have five kids or have never even considered having your creative spirit is a force of nature. Embrace it by bringing forth something new—whether it is in the garden, on canvas or at the pottery bench.
The very human instinct to nurture things that need our attention embodies the Mother Goddess in her fullest manifestation. Rescue a puppy, volunteer for the Qld Care Army, offer to tend your elderly neighbours garden. Do whatever it is you do to encourage the growth of people and things beyond yourself.
Work with the moon
Of the three major transitional phases of the moon cycle (waxing, full and waning), the full moon embodies the Mother Aspect of the goddess. Try working with the Mother Aspect in ritual during the full moon to give thanks to her and to bring your creative energy to fruition.
Make peace with your self
Call on the Mother Goddess to help you heal old wounds, let go of regret and move forward to build something new. The experiences that shaped you into the full expression of who you are today are sacred. Let them work their magic.
Attend to your mind/body connection
While the Maid sets down her path for self-discovery, the Mother knows who she is. Use this knowledge to deepen your mind/body connection. Try meditation, a mind/body workout like a deep yoga exploration or try a fast for spiritual insight.
Heal yourself
Learn basic self-care with herbal home remedies and schedule regular me-time (even if it’s only a bubble bath with essential oils). Find healthy ways to recover from stress and take pleasure in helping others recover from theirs.
Make your own home sanctuary
Whether you live in a mansion or a one room inner city flat, make your home a place you want to return to over and over. Rearrange the furniture occasionally, fling open all the window to shake up the energy, makes space for your spiritual life and, most importantly, invite people you love being around to spend time there.
Enjoy this wonderful Mother’s Day and an celebrate the Mother Goddess within you.